Take an Online Detox to Ground Yourself

Take an Online Detox to Ground Yourself

In today's hyper-connected environment, our dependence on the online world is relentless and can feel inescapable. From relying on our phones for just about everything to using social media as a primary connection to what is going on around us, online engagement has become second nature. But the convenience of technology often comes at the cost of staying grounded, leaving us craving virtual engagement rather than our physical surroundings.
April 04, 2024 — Dylan Bair
How Being ‘Grounded’ Helps You #CreateYourFuture

How Being ‘Grounded’ Helps You #CreateYourFuture

Want to create the life of your dreams? Start by getting grounded. Being grounded means being present in the moment and feeling a connection to ourselves and the world around us. It's about staying steady, even when things get tough.
March 07, 2024 — Dylan Bair
Anxiety/Fear vs. Intuition

Anxiety/Fear vs. Intuition

Understanding the difference between intuition and anxiety can be tricky, but it's crucial for making good decisions. Fear and anxiety are our natural reactions to threats, causing us to feel worried or scared.  Intuition, however, is that gut feeling or instant understanding we get without any logical explanation—it's based on our experiences and learning, even if we don't realize it. This blog offers simple strategies to help us figure out what's really behind our gut feelings—are they fear and anxiety, or true intuition?
February 09, 2024 — Dylan Bair